Independence Day

Are you seeking to become Independent of your past patterns of action (or lack thereof) and wanting to move forward? Often, the power of collaborating with a coach can help you progress in a more satisfying direction.

 A listening ear, constructive feedback, advice, and support, along with forming a concrete plan could make a positive difference in your life.  As we celebrate national Independence Day, let’s think about our personal Independence as well.

Another Season…….

Achieved your goals yet?

If not, I understand. There may be many obstacles or you may be having difficulty getting organized. I invite you to think about trying my life and/or career coaching services to help you move ahead.


In honor of Dr. Joyce Brothers

I am honoring Joyce Brothers, doctor of psychology, today at reports of her death at age 85. I recall reading her syndicated news columns and being impressed with her understanding of  the human condition and relationships. She was one of many who inspired me to go into the helping professions. I am grateful for her life.

Gardening your Life


April is exploding and blossoming with green here in the Pacific Northwest. As you begin to weed and mow the lawn, till and plant, give some thought to how you might “garden” your life. Do you want to pull out some damaging habits….or perhaps cut back on some behaviors? Shall you prepare for new growth or plant the seeds of your life’s future? It would me my privilege to assist you in your efforts.

You don’t have to be Irish to have “Luck”

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day can be fun….music, dancing, and feeling good.

The question I pose is – are you ready to make your own luck or, even, are you ready to take advantage of luck or good fortune when opportunities comes along? If you know what your objective is, and have begun to take steps to achieve it, you will be. Contact me to see if I may help you get there.

Today is International Women’s Day!

Women, what are you doing this month to empower yourself and move forward in your life? Is it time to seriously consider taking a summer class or plan some leisure time for the upcoming clear weather? Are you on track with your New Year’s resolutions? If you would like to talk with an objective listener who could provide some additional motivation, give me a call for a brief, free phone consultation, to see if I could help.

Here’s a link about today that you may find interesting: 
(Note: the content in this link does not necessarily reflect the opinions of this writer.)

March Fourth (4th) or March Forth?

Today is March Fourth! Will it be just another March 4th for you or will it be your first step in Marching forth? Okay, I hope that receives a smile more than a groan but either is fine. Seriously though, have you been putting off making some changes or progress in your life that you want to make? Perhaps it’s about returning to school, getting more training, renewing your job search, ending a relationship, looking for a partner, considering more satisfying retirement activities, sticking to a study schedule, finishing a degree, making new friends, choosing more healthy habits, or many other personal objectives you may have. Let my life coaching service help you. Contact me for further information. I look forward to hearing from you!

Spring is coming!

Do you see those flower stems popping out of the wet grass? Have you felt the gradually warming days? If you’re noticing some new hope in your center too, perhaps now is the time to act – to take a concrete step to move forward on some positive life changes you want for yourself. It may be to learn a new skill, get more formal education, renew your job search, plan for retirement activities, or something just unique to yourself and your personal goals. If you believe you may benefit from having a coach to facilitate these changes, contact me for a free, brief phone consult, or e-mail me a few lines or questions, at my secure e-mail:

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